Learn through Observation

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Even though you’ve spent countless hours in school cafeterias, intentionally observing and taking notes on your students’ behavior can allow you see the same students, space, and interactions in a new light.


Time Considerations: 30 minutes to prepare, 30 - 45 minutes for the observation, 30  - 60 minutes to reflect

Materials Needed: Your preferred method to take notes: pen or pencil and note-taking template provided here

Participants: You and if possible, a partner with whom to reflect; students in the lunchroom (not actively engaged)

Step One

Grab a pen or pencil and the note-taking template included here. Find an unobtrusive spot in the school cafeteria or other place were meals are served to sit and observe for the duration of the breakfast or lunch period.

Step Two

Instead of observing as a food and nutrition services director, imagine yourself as a new student on the first day of school. Write down everything you see, hear, and smell.  When someone says something worth noting, write it down as accurately as possible.

While taking notes, write down without interpretation.  For instance, you might observe, “Teenager slowly walks into cafeteria, reads menu item, smiles, high fives friend and says, ‘Burritos today!  Yes!  My favorite!’” rather than “The kids came in feeling excited about today’s menu item.” 

Step Three

After the breakfast or lunch period is over, take a few more minutes to finish objectively writing down everything you observed. Finally, finish filling out the rest of the template included here, reflecting on what you saw and what changes to your meal program your observation might inspire.



Reflection prompts and note-taking guide for observations.

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