Feedback from a Friend
All Resources / Activating Students / Feedback from a Friend
Sometimes it’s hard to connect with students — they may not immediately feel comfortable enough to share feedback about the meal program. Asking students to interview each other can tap into a different type of energy and surface new possibilities.
Time Considerations: 15-30 minutes to prepare students to interview each other; 15-30 minutes for them to do interviews and share feedback
Materials Needed: Printed capture sheets, pens or pencils, and treats or other acknowledgement for participation
Participants: You, possibly teachers or administrators who can identify students to participate
Step One
Gathering feedback can be quick and informal. Enlist your kitchen team to tap a few students they know in the lunch line to collect responses from their friends during lunch. Or ask a student group to collect feedback from their members or friends in the lunchroom or afterschool club. Government, environment, and social justice clubs across the country have been eager to offer feedback on meal programming.
Step Two
Provide students with a list of questions or brainstorm with them to come up with questions they think their friends might be able to answer. Adapt the Feedback from Friend Capture Sheet to meet your objectives for this engagement.
Step Three
Have each student ask friends one to two prompts around a problem area you would like to solve. Once the student has spoken with their friends, have them complete a short capture sheet. The capture sheet allows them to document what they heard as well as encourage reflection through prompts such as “what was surprising?” and “what ideas did this spark?” This activity brings students into the design process by capturing their unique perspective and ideas.
Step Four
Collect the capture sheets and if time permits, discuss their reflections with them in a group or one-on-one setting. Thank students for their participation by compensating them with a treat - for instance give them sweet treats or allow them to request their favorite meal for an upcoming menu cycle.
Feedback from a Friend Capture Sheet
Capture sheet for students to use when interviewing peers.
Need help downloading and using the tools? Visit our how-to guide.
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