Inspire Allies

Finding the right allies can help you showcase your meal program and spread the work of nourishing students’ minds and bodies across a wider web of school stakeholders.


Time Considerations: A few days to a few weeks depending upon how many administrators you engage

Materials Needed: Meal program presentation

Participants: Students, administrators, school board, teachers, or other key partners and stakeholders

Step One

Identify what it is you need help with, an opportunity area, what barriers are in your way, or where you might activate others to move your idea forward.  For example, maybe you realize that kids see their teachers ordering out instead of eating in the cafeteria, adding to the impression that the food isn’t good. Or administrators do not see the link between food and academics.

Step Two

Brainstorm or map out individuals or groups that could serve as allies in those areas. Think about who has power, influence, resources, or social capital. For example: Perhaps you have noticed that there’s one teacher on campus that has really good rapport with students, and always seems to be socializing with them in the halls.

Step Three

Reach out to one person or group to start. Reflect on what you know about them already. How much do you think they know about the meal program? What do they care about? What are their priorities? Customize the template provided here to share key facts about school meals and get their ideas about how to make the program even more student-centered. For example, work with a teacher to plan a special set of menu items that connect to their coursework or ask an administrator for their recommendations on tapping into different school networks.


Meal Program Presentation Template

Use these slides when presenting the meal program and inviting collaboration

Need help downloading and using the tools? Visit our how-to guide.

Simeon Murphy, Lincoln County School District

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